"An Approach to Successful Stock Trading Combining Company
  Fundamentals with Chart Technicals"

Comments or Questions (TSM Service, Methodology, Performance or Your Success Stories Go Here - (rmiller@triplescreenmethod.com)

TSM Stock Performance

Understand this, though, the TSM daily report forecasts hypothetical trades, i.e., what could be achieved during the life of the trade, not actual trades. While I do make many of the trades myself, I often don't attain the maximum profit possible for a given trade (true, I'm sure, for most of TSM's readers) because I don't set at the computer over the entire time the market's open (usually only the first 1 and 1/2 hours and the last hour). TSM's goal is to produce a list of fundamentally sound stocks (mostly in the $500 million to $10 billion market cap range) that have earning's revision fuel to generate immediate price movement and remaining value at the current price. Optimally, they're also in the final stages of a pullback as well (both less risky and more profitable than buying breakouts).

Each TSM Daily Report should contain one forecasted stock or ETF play with accompanying entry and exit points. The entry point consists of both a pullback range where I prefer to buy and a breakout range. I'll enter my full position at either point depending on which occurs first, i.e., if, for instance, the TSM pick breaks higher and beyond TSM's breakout point then immediately pullbacks into TSM's pullback range, the stock is bought at the breakout point.  If you set your trades up before the open and can't watch the market, enter two buy points: half a position at the breakout point and half a position at the midpoint of the pullback range

Each TSM forecast also has a profit range where each stock is sold depending on the intra-day market conditions and two stop-loss points for each half position. For the last seven quarters, TSM forecasted picks have been profitable more than 70% of the time. While it's difficult to take a loss, especially considering the quality of these stocks, it's imperative that these small losses are taken when the stops are hit. THE ABILITY TO TAKE SMALL LOSSES AS PART OF THE STRATEGY IS WHAT SEPARATES THE PROFITABLE TRADER. IT'S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MARKET PROFESSIONALS AND AMATEURS.

4th Quarter 2014 (45th Quarter): 59 Completed 1/2 Position Trades (Winners 54 & 5 Losers with 91.5% Win Rate for +$86.35 Points Total Gain).  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$43,175 so far this quarter! 

1st Quarter 2015 (46th Quarter):  Completed 70 Position Trades (64 Winners & 6 Losers with 91.4% Win Rate for +$92.97 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$46,485 so far this quarter! 

2nd Quarter 2015 (47th Quarter):  Completed 63 Position Trades (53 Winners & 10 Losers with 84.1% Win Rate for +$41.14 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$20,570 so far this quarter! 

3rd Quarter 2015 (48th Quarter):  Completed 47 Position Trades (32 Winners & 15 Losers with 69.6% Win Rate for +$1.37 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$2,305 so far this quarter! 

4th Quarter 2015 (49th Quarter):  Completed 31 Position Trades (24 Winners & 7 Losers with 77.4% Win Rate for +$22.18 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$11,090 so far this quarter! 

1st Quarter 2016 (50th Quarter):  Completed 38 Position Trades (30 Winners & 8 Losers with 78.9% Win Rate for +$28.26 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$14,130 so far this quarter! 

2nd Quarter 2016 (51st Quarter):  Completed 26 Position Trades (26 Winners & 0 Losers with 100% Win Rate for +$26.25 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$13,125 so far this quarter! 

3rd Quarter 2016 (52nd Quarter):  Completed 29 Position Trades (25 Winners & 4 Losers with 86.2% Win Rate for +$32.35 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$16,175 so far this quarter! 

4th Quarter 2016 (53rd Quarter):  Completed 58 Position Trades (47 Winners & 11 Losers with 81.0% Win Rate for +$15.45 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$7,725 so far this quarter! 

1st Quarter 2017 (54th Quarter):  Completed 61 Position Trades (60 Winners & 1 Losers with 98.4% Win Rate for +$91.42 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$45,710 so far this quarter! 

2nd Quarter 2017 (55th Quarter):  Completed 51 Position Trades (41 Winners & 10 Losers with 82.0% Win Rate for +$32.71 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$16,055 so far this quarter! 

3rd Quarter 2017 (56th Quarter):  Completed 50 Position Trades (44 Winners & 6 Losers with 87.5% Win Rate for +$48.22 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by +$24,110 so far this quarter! 

4th Quarter 2017 (57th Quarter):  Completed 58 Position Trades (52 Winners & 6 Losers with 89.7% Win Rate for $77.21 Points Total Gain.  If you traded 1,000 shares per position (500 shares per 1/2 position), you'd be ahead by $32,405 so far this quarter! 

1st Quarter 2017 (58th Quarter):  Completed 42 Position Trades (30 Winners & 12 Losers with 75.0% Win Rate for $15.39 Points Total Gain. 

Symbol Closing Price Date Position Initiated Buy Price Max Price Reached Stop Loss and Profit Con1ditions (1/2 Positions) Sale Points for Each 1/2 Position
Quarter 1 2017
CC Close  01/05/17 20.82 $23.36(+$1.78) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $19.97 & $19.44 01/10/17 @ +$2.25 01/10/17 @ +$2.45
THO Close  01/12/17 100.29 $102.92(+$1.45) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $97.94 & $97.44 01/13/17 @ +$2.50 01/19/16 @  +$2.00
SF Close  01/12/17 48.69 $51.71(+$1.25) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $46.94 & $46.44 01/13/17 @ +$3.00 01/13/17 @  +$3.00
PAA close  01/19/17 30.53 $32.38(+$1.85) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $28.44 & $27.94 01/24/17 @ +$1.75 01/25/16 @  +$1.50
WDC Close  01/19/17 72.01 $73.40(+$0.59) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $69.94 & $69.44 01/20/17 @ +$1.25 01/20/16 @  +$1.25
SCHN CLOSE  01/25/17 23.8 $24.40(+$0.60) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $20.94 & $20.44 01/31/17 @ +$0.55 02/01/17 @  +$0.55
SNX CLOSE  01/26/17 120.15 $121.39(+$0.52) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $117.94 & $117.44 02/01/17 @ +$1.15 02/01/17 @  +$1.15
RUSHA Close  01/27/17 32.87 $34.50(+$0.60) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $30.94 & $30.94 02/16/17 @ +$1.60 02/16/16 @  +$1.60
ZION Close  01/30/17 42.25 $43.51(+$0.59) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $39.94 & $39.44 02/01/17 @ +$1.00 02/06/17 @  +$1.25
PH Close  02/08/17 145.55 $149.52(+$1.91) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $143.44 & $142.94 02/09/17 @ +$3.75 02/09/16 @  +$3.75
TXN close  02/09/17 75.56 $77.13(+$0.24) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $72.94 & $72.44 02/21/17 @ +$1.50 02/21/17 @  +$1.50
THO Close  02/10/17 109.23 $111.81(+$2.95) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $104.94 & $104.44 02/15/17 @ +$2.50 02/15/17 @  +$2.50
MCHP close  02/13/17 71.11 $72.53(+$0.95) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $67.94 & $67.44 02/21/17 @ +$1.25 02/21/16 @  +$1.25
LRCX close  02/16/17 115.1 $117.96(+$0.23) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $111.94 & $111.44 02/21/17 @ +$2.50 02/21/17 @  +$2.75
ESNT close  02/17/17 35.52 $36.50(+$0.63) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $33.44 & $32.94 02/22/17 @ -$1.58 03/14/17 @  +$0.90
NANO close  02/17/17 26.54 $28.10(+$0.79) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $24.94 & $24.44 02/21/17 @ +$1.50 02/21/17 @  +$1.50
SODA close  02/22/17 46.21 $47.95(+$1.74) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $33.94 & $33.44 02/22/17 @ +$1.60 02/22/16 @  +$1.50
AYR close  02/23/17 24.2 $25.01(+$0.15) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $22.44 & $21.94 03/01/17 @ +$0.75 03/01/17 @  +$0.75
AYR close  02/27/17 23.58 $24.38(+$0.80) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $22.44 & $21.94 02/28/17 @ +$0.75 02/28/16 @  +$0.75
CXO close  02/28/17 131.76 $135.79(+$4.03) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $128.94 & $127.94 03/01/17 @ +$4.00 03/01/17 @  +$3.50
AMAT close  02/28/17 36.1 $37.26(+$0.85) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $33.94 & $33.44 03/02/17 @ +$0.80 03/07/17 @  +$1.10
ETE close  03/02/17 19.02 $19.44(+$0.42) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $18.44 & $17.94 03/07/17 @ +$0.40 03/07/17 @  +$0.40
ON close  03/02/17 15.01 $15.55(+$0.64) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $14.44 & $13.94 03/03/17 @ +$0.50 03/03/17 @  +$0.50
FDC close  03/02/17 15.91 $17.01(+$0.45) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $14.44 & $13.94 05/08/17 @ +$1.05 05/08/17 @  +$1.05
JBT close  03/09/17 88.4 $90.05(+$1.65) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $85.94 & $85.44 03/13/17 @ +$1.50 03/13/17 @  +$1.50
JBT close  03/16/17 88.86 $90.05(+$1.14) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $85.94 & $85.44 03/20/17 @ +$1.05 03/21/17 @  +$1.10
INGN close  03/16/17 75.17 $76.68(+$1.51) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $71.94 & $71.44 03/17/17 @ +$1.05 03/20/16 @  +$1.50
MTZ 38.2  03/20/17 38.51 $39.50(+$0.99) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $36.94 & $36.44 03/29/17 @ +$0.90 03/29/16 @  +$0.90
THO close  03/21/17 95.38 $97.91(+$2.53) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $92.94 & $92.44 3/22/17 @ +$2.25 3/22/16 @  +$2.40
BGFV 14.7  03/27/17 14.31 $14.85(+$0.04) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $12.94 & $12.94 03/28/17 @ +$0.50 03/28/17 @  +$0.50
AAOI 53.55  03/30/17 56.01 $56.54(+$0.35) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $53.44 & $52.94 04/03/17 @ -$2.57 04/04/16 @  -$3.07
Quarter 2 2017
TECD close  04/04/17 90.31 $92.64(+$2.23) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $87.94 & $87.44 04/11/17 @ +$2.00 04/12/17 @  +$2.25
OLLI 33.35  04/04/17 33.06 $34.10(+$1.04) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $31.44 & $30.94 04/07/17 @ +$1.00 04/07/16 @  +$1.00
AAOI close  04/07/17 44.86 $45.28(+$0.42) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $41.94 & $41.44 04/11/17 @ -$2.92 04/12/17 @  -$3.42
TSM 32.06  04/19/17 31.55 $32.80(+$0.59) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $29.94 & $29.44 04/24/17 @ +$1.20 04/24/17 @  +$1.20
DHI close  04/26/17 32.47 $33.62(+$1.15) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $31.44 & $30.94 05/10/17 @ +$0.90 05/17/17 @  +$1.00
NUE close  04/26/17 60.06 $62.31(+$2.25) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $56.94 & $56.44 04/26/17 @ +$1.94 05/02/16 @  +$2.25
TEO close  04/28/17 22.5 $23.84(+$1.34) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $20.94 & $20.44 05/01/17 @ +$0.50 05/02/17 @  +$1.25
HUN close  05/02/17 25 $26.06(+$0.96) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $23.44 & $22.94 05/10/17 @ +$0.90 05/11/17 @  +$1.00
CFR close  05/05/17 91.05 $93.43(+$1.91) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $88.94 & $88.44 05/08/17 @ +$1.80 05/09/17 @  +$2.25
PCH close  05/11/17 44.35 $45.65(+$0.55) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $41.94 & $41.44 05/15/17 @ +$1.25 05/17/17 @  +$1.00
WD closed  05/12/17 48.05 $49.34(+$1.14) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $44.94 & $44.44 05/16/17 @ +$1.00 06/02/17 @  +$1.25
BCC stopped out  05/16/17 28.25 $28.90(+$0.65) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $26.94 & $26.44 05/18/17 @ -$1.31 05/31/17 @  -$2.46
PNK close  05/17/17 19.53 $20.73(+$0.78) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $17.94 & $17.44 06/02/17 @ +$0.90 06/06/17 @  +$1.15
HUN 24.93  05/30/17 24.6 $26.00(+$0.41) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $21.94 & $21.44 06/21/17 @ +$0.60 06/23/17 @  +$1.25
CC stopped out  05/30/17 42.04 $42.32(+$0.28) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $38.94 & $38.44 05/31/17 @ -$3.10 05/31/17 @  -$3.60
ADI close  06/05/17 80.46 $82.98(+$0.64) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $77.94 & $77.44 06/08/17 @ +$2.00 06/09/17 @  +$2.50
CC 40.1  06/06/17 40.41 $41.88(+$0.39) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $37.44 & $37.44 06/09/17 @ +$1.25 06/09/17 @  +$1.25
LEA closed  06/12/17 144.48 $148.10(+$3.53) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $141.44 & $140.94 06/13/17 @ +$3.50 06/14/17 @  +$3.60
AMAT stopped out  06/14/17 44.44 $44.65(+$0.21) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $41.94 & $41.44 06/27/17 @ -$2.50 06/27/17 @  -$3.00
CIEN 25.46  06/15/17 25.02 $25.92(+$0.69) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $23.94 & $23.44 06/19/17 @ +$0.90 06/20/17 @  +$0.85
UCTT close  06/19/17 20.44 $21.47(+$0.64) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $18.94 & $18.44 06/20/17 @ +$1.00 06/20/17 @  +$1.00
BBY close  06/20/17 55.32 $57.12(+$1.80) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $52.94 & $52.44 06/26/17 @ +$1.10 06/27/16 @  +$1.75
GGAL close  06/21/17 39.06 $41.75(+$1.42) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $37.44 & $36.94 06/21/17 @ +$1.25 06/22/17 @  +$2.50
KMG close  06/27/17 46.45 $48.91(+$2.46) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $44.94 & $44.44 06/27/17 @ +$1.00 06/28/17 @  +$2.25
PGR closed  06/27/17 44.01 $45.17(+$1.16) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $42.44 & $42.44 07/06/17 @ +$0.80 07/07/17 @  +$1.10
Quarter 3 2017
LHCG 65.2  07/03/17 67.55 $68.24(+$0.69) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $64.94 & $64.44 07/11/17 @ -$2.61 07/11/17 @  -$3.11
CVGW CLOSE  07/05/17 68.63 $70.65(+$2.02) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $65.94 & $65.44 07/07/17 @ +$1.05 07/14/17 @  +$2.00
SKYW close  07/05/17 34.55 $35.95(+$1.30) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $32.94 & $32.44 07/05/17 @ +$1.25 07/06/17 @  +$1.30
DGX close  07/06/17 ex dividend $0.45 109.24 $112.96(+$3.72) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $105.94 & $105.44 07/07/17 @ +$3.50 07/07/17 @  +$3.50
BBY close  07/11/17 53.54 $54.47(+$0.93) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $51.94 & $51.44 07/12/17 @ +$0.90 07/12/17 @  +$0.90
THO close  07/18/17 103.89 $105.76(+$1.87) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $101.44 & $100.94 07/19/17 @ +$1.25 07/20/17 @  +$1.75
OC close  07/18/17 65.01 $68.80(+$3.79) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $62.94 & $62.44 07/19/17 @ +$0.89 07/26/17 @  +$3.50
ALK stopped out  07/20/17 89.37 $89.89(+$0.52) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $86.44 & $86.44 07/26/17 @ -$2.92 07/26/17 @  +$1.92
CMA close  07/27/17 72.01 $73.09(+$0.40) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $70.94 & $70.44 07/31/17 @ +$1.00 08/01/17 @  +$1.05
WTFC close  07/28/17 74.86 $76.21(+$0.35) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $72.94 & $72.44 08/01/17 @ +$1.05 08/03/17 @  +$1.25
NTRI close  07/31/17 54.3 $56.35(+$1.65) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $52.44 & $51.94 08/01/17 @ +$2.00 08/01/17 @  +$2.00
HD close  07/31/17 147.55 $150.86(+$2.43) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $144.94 & $144.44 08/01/17 @ +$2.25 08/03/17 @  +$3.10
MKSI close  08/03/17 76.85 $78.55(+$1.70) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $74.44 & $73.94 08/04/17 @ +$1.50 08/04/17 @  +$1.60
AAOI  close  08/04/17 70.4 $73.72(+$3.32) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: hold & potentially write Calls 08/04/17 @ +$3.00 08/07/17 @ +$2.60
UCTT close  08/08/17 21.54 $22.34+$0.79) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $19.94 & $19.44 for 1/2 Positions 08/09/17 @ +$0.75 08/10/17 @ +$0.75
CYOU stopped out  08/09/17 42.47 $43.06(+$0.59) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $39.94 & $39.44 for 1/2 Positions 08/14/17@ -$2.53 08/14/17@ -$3.03
MTOR close  08/10/17 18.42 $19.23(+$0.81) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $17.44 & $16.94 for 1/2 Positions 08/14/17 @ +$0.75 08/16/17 @ +$0.75
TKR close  08/10/17 43.7 $44.75(+$0.35) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $41.94 & $41.44 for 1/2 Positions 08/22/17 @ +$1.00 08/22/17 @ +$1.00
ESNT close  08/11/17 36.91 $39.29(+$1.31) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $36.94 & $36.44 for 1/2 Positions 08/11/17 @ +$1.25 08/14/17 @ +$2.10
TRTN close  08/15/17 34.55 $37.40(+$0.42) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $32.44 & $31.94 for 1/2 Positions 08/16/17 @ +$1.005 08/23/17 @ +$2.75
OEC close  08/17/17 20.55 $21.05(+$0.33) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $18.94 & $18.44 for 1/2 Positions 08/22/17 @ +$0.55 08/22/17 @ +$0.55
CTRL close  08/22/17 24.13 $24.85(+$0.18) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $21.94 & $21.44 for 1/2 Positions 08/30/17 @ +$0.70 08/30/17 @ +$0.70
VSH close  08/25/17 17.01 $17.55(+$0.54) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $15.94 & $15.44 for 1/2 Positions 08/29/17 @ +$0.50 08/29/17 @ +$0.50
BR close  08/30/17 76.31 $78.24(+$1.93) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $74.44 & $73.94 for 1/2 Positions 08/31/17 @ +$1.75 08/31/17 @ +$1.75
TEO close  08/31/17 30.34 $31.73(+$1.39) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $28.94 & $28.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/01/17 @ +$0.80 09/05/17 @ +$1.25
AVY close  09/06/17 93.41 $95.60(+$2.19) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $89.94 & $89.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/12/17 @ +$2.00 09/13/17 @ +$2.10
HIIQ close  09/07/17 31.52 $31.85(+$0.33) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $28.94 & $28.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/11/17 @ -$2.58 09/11/17 @ -$3.08
UCTT close  09/12/17 23.41 $26.20(+$2.79) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $21.44 & $20.94 for 1/2 Positions 09/13/17 @ +$1.40 09/14/17 @ +$2.50
KEM close  09/13/17 19.43 $20.43(+$1.00) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $17.94 & $17.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/14/17 @ +$1.00 09/14/17 @ +$1.00
CTAS close  09/14/17 133.53 $135.09(+$1.12) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: will not close during tomorrow's expected market downturn 09/14/17 @ +$1.00 09/15/17 @ +$1.50
BBY close  09/20/17 52.49 $54.32(+$1.83) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $48.94 & $48.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/21/17 @ +$1.75 09/21/17 @ +$1.75
ADBE close  09/20/17 149.61 $151.80(+$2.19) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $146.94 & $146.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/20/17 @ +$2.00 09/21/17 @ +$1.50
LRCX close  09/22/17 171.46 $176.96(+$5.50) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $167.94 & $167.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/22/17 @ +$5.00 09/25/17 @ +$4.50
UNH close  09/22/17 191.01 $196.31(+$4.86) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $187.94 & $187.84 for 1/2 Positions 09/22/17 @ +$4.50 09/25/17 @ +$5.00
RCI close  09/25/17 51.47 $52.82(+$1.35) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $49.94 & $49.44 for 1/2 Positions 10/09/17 @ +$0.49 10/10/17 @ +$1.25
ADBE close  09/25/17 147.3 $150.48(+$3.18) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $143.44 & $142.94 for 1/2 Positions 09/29/17 @ +$1.75 10/02/17 @ +$3.00
AMAT close  09/26/17 45.76 $49.71(+$3.95) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $43.44 & $42.94 for 1/2 Positions 09/27/17 @ +$3.00 09/27/17 @ +$3.50
CC close  09/26/17 50.05 $51.40(+$0.57) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $47.94 & $47.44 for 1/2 Positions 09/27/17 @ +$1.25 09/27/17 @ +$1.25
CBD close  09/27/17 23.38 $25.55(+$1.62) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $21.94 & $21.44 for 1/2 Positions 10/03/17 @ +$1.50 10/04/17 @ +$2.00
CC close  09/29/17 49.7 $52.75(+$3.05) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $47.44 & $46.94 for 1/2 Positions 10/02/17 @ +$2.75 10/02/17 @ +$2.75
Quarter 4 2017
CC close  10/04/17 52.68 $54.83(+$2.15) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $49.94 & $49.44 for 1/2 Positions 10/05/17 @ +$1.75 10/06/17 @ +$2.00
AIMC close  10/06/17 46.3 $48.00(+$0.15) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $43.94 & $43.44 for 1/2 Positions 10/10/17 @ +$1.00 10/12/17 @ +$1.65
EXTR close  10/16/17 12.22 $12.25(+$0.03) Profit Range: $0.49 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $10.94 & $10.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/08/17 @ -$1.28 11/08/17 @ -$1.78
ITRI close  10/19/17 77.55 $79.80(+$2.25) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $76.44 & $75.94 for 1/2 Positions 10/20/17 @ +$2.00 10/20/17 @ +$2.10
FTV close  10/19/17 71.02 $72.31(+$1.29) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $69.44 & $68.94 for 1/2 Positions 10/20/17 @ +$1.00 10/23/17 @ +$1.25
CAT close  10/20/17 136.55 $138.90 (+$2.35) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $132.94 & $132.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/06/17 @ +$1.75 11/27/17 @ +$1.65
APH close  10/20/17 86.52 $88.62(+$1.69) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $84.94 & $84.44 for 1/2 Positions 10/25/17 @ +$1.50 11/13/17 @ +$2.00
HFC close  10/24/17 35.82 $37.26(+$1.44) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $33.44 & $32.94 for 1/2 Positions 10/25/17 @ +$1.00 10/30/17 @ +$1.25
UCTT close  11/01/17 24.48 $26.61 (+$0.82) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $21.94 & $21.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/07/17 @ +$0.80 11/22/17 @ +$2.00
ENTG close  11/02/17 31.41 $32.90 (+$1.49) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $29.44 & $28.94 for 1/2 Positions 11/06/17 @ +$1.25 11/07/17 @ +$1.35
AMAT close  11/06/17 56.02 $58.00 (+$0.30) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $53.94 & $53.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/07/17 @ +$1.10 11/16/17 @ +$1.90
CAI  closed  11/08/17 35.26 $36.78 (+$1.52) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $32.94 & $32.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/10/17 @ +$1.50 12/01/17 @ -$2.82
PAYC closed  11/09/17 78.06 $79.90 (+$1.84) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $30.94 & $30.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/10/17 @ +$1.10 11/15/17 @ +$1.30
ACLS closed  11/09/17 32.46 $35.05 (+$2.59) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $33.94 & $33.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/13/17 @ +$2.20 11/14/17 @ +$2.50
FTV close  11/17/17 72.52 $74.75(+$2.23) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $70.94 & $70.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/27/17 @ +$1.25 11/30/17 @ +$2.00
MCHP close  11/17/17 91.17 $92.62(+$1.45) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $88.94 & $88.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/21/17 @ +$1.25 11/29/17 @ -$2.73
AMAT close  11/20/17 56.66 $59.00(+$2.34) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $54.44 & $53.94 for 1/2 Positions 11/21/17 @ +$2.00 11/22/17 @ +$2.25
WTW close  11/21/17 45.55 $45.92(+$0.37) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $41.94 & $41.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/27/17 @ -$3.61 11/27/17 @ -$4.11
CMI close  11/29/17 163.33 $167.75(+$1.89) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $158.44 & $157.94 for 1/2 Positions 11/27/17 @ +$1.75 11/30/17 @ +$4.00
WLK close  11/29/17 94.43 $98.12(+$1.78) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $70.94 & $70.44 for 1/2 Positions 11/27/17 @ +$1.75 11/30/17 @ +$3.50
ZION close  12/01/17 48.46 $52.16(+$3.70) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $47.94 & $47.44 for 1/2 Positions 12/04/17 @ +$3.50 12/04/17 @ +$3.50
HFC close  12/08/17 44.71 $46.91(+$2.20) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $43.94 & $43.44 for 1/2 Positions 12/11/17 @ +$2.00 12/11/17 @ +$2.00
SF close  12/20/17 60.2 $61.47(+$1.27) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $57.44 & $56.94 for 1/2 Positions 12/21/17 @ +$1.00 12/21/17 @ +$1.10
ACN close  12/21/17 156.3 $158.44(+$2.14) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $153.44 & $152.94 for 1/2 Positions 12/21/17 @ +$1.50 12/21/17 @ +$2.00
WGO close  12/26/17 56.6 $58.05(+$1.15) Profit Range: $0.89 to $2.50 & Stop Loss Points: $54.44 & $53.94 for 1/2 Positions 12/27/17 @ +$1.40 12/27/17 @ +$1.40